Steven De Meester (Steering Committee)
Sustainable design of chemical process chains via chemical engineering, design & up-scaling, and sustainability analysis
T +32 56 24 12 36
Kristof Demeestere
Analysis and technology of organic minor components
T +32 9 264 59 65
Jo Dewulf
Clean technology, sustainability & footprinting analysis, life cycle analysis, thermodynamics based resource efficiency
T +32 9 264 59 49
Dagmar D'hooge
Design of polymerization and polymer processing techniques, functional material design, multi-scale modeling
T +32 9 331 17 72
Vladimir Galvita
Heterogeneous catalysis, low carbon technology, chemical looping and energy storage processes
T +32 9 264 58 30
Geraldine Heynderickx
Reactor hydrodynamics, multiphase flow regimes, computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
T +32 9 331 17 53
Philippe Heynderickx
Heterogeneous catalysis, chemical kinetics, modeling and design of chemical processes, application of renewable resources for environmental applications
T +82 32 626 4206
Jeroen Lauwaert
Intensifying biomass valorization through heterogeneous catalysis, microkinetics and engineering thermodynamics
T +32 9 243 25 22
Guy Marin (Steering committee)
Chemical kinetics, modeling and design of chemical processes and products from molecule to full scale
T +32 9 331 17 60
Yi Ouyang
Process intensification with in particular computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and CO2 capture
T +32 497 21 65 84
Frederik Ronsse
Slow and fast pyrolysis for the production of biochar and bio-oils using biomass containing residue streams
T +32 9 264 62 00
Maarten Sabbe
First principles reaction engineering for various chemical processes: quantitarive prediction of chemical reaction rates
T +32 9 331 17 33
Mark Saeys
Catalytic process optimization via modelling-guided catalyst design, experimental kinetic validation and characterization
T +32 9 331 17 54
Georgios Stefanidis
Urban waste valorization and plasma reactor technology
T +32 9 264 58 30
Chris Stevens (Steering Committee)
Heterocyclic synthesis, microreactor technology, chemical modification of renewable resources
T +32 9 264 59 57
Joris Thybaut
Catalytic reaction and process engineering for the transition from fossil to renewable resources
T +32 9 331 17 52
Kevin Van Geem (Director)
Thermochemical reaction engineering with in particular the transition from fossil to renewable resources
T +32 9 264 55 97
Veronique Van Speybroeck
First principle modeling of chemical transformations within nanoporous materials
T +32 9 264 65 58
Paul Van Steenberge
Polymer reaction engineering, chemical reactor design, multiscale modeling, scale-up, recycling, HSE management
T +32 9 331 17 72
Kim Verbeken
Corrosion, hydrogen induced cracking, high temperature thermodynamics and pyrometallurgical processes
T +32 9 331 04 53
Christophe Walgraeve
Environmental chemistry and technology; air quality, polution and treatment; odour nuisance
T +32 9 264 59 53
Advanced Materials
Ludwig Cardon
Characterization and 3D processing of polymers and composites
T +32 9 331 03 90
Catherine Cazin
Sustainable transition metal chemistry and homogeneous catalysis, catalyst and ligand design for organic synthesis
T +32 9 264 96 84
Klaartje De Buysser
Synthesis of metal oxide particles and thin films for advanced applications
T +32 9 264 44 41
Karen De Clerck (Steering Committee)
Production and analysis of fibres in relation with the end-characteristics of the fibrous materials
T +32 9 264 57 40
Jolien Dendooven
Atomic Layer Deposition, Thin film technology, In-situ surface and thin film characterization during depostion and annealing
T +32 9 264 43 65
Christophe Detavernier
Atomic Layer Deposition, Thin film technology, In-situ surface and thin film characterization during depostion and annealing
T +32 9 264 43 54
Gijs Du Laing
Technology development for remediation of metal-contaminated environments, metal recovery from waste streams
T +32 9 264 59 95
Filip Du Prez (Steering Committee)
Polymer functionalization, dynamic and self-healing polymers, renewable materials functionalization
T + 32 9 264 45 03
Thomas Heugebaert
Development of photochemical and electrochemical methodologies, sustainable organic synthesis and microreactor technology
T +32 9 264 59 62
Steven Nolan
Organometallic chemistry and catalysis, development of novel organometallic complexes for homogeneous catalytic reactions
T +32 9 264 44 58
Kim Ragaert
Circular Plastics; Sustainable use and recycling of polymers and composites, advanced polymer processing
T +32 9 331 03 92
Johan Van der Eycken
Chiral ligands for asymmetric transition metal catalysis, total synthesis of complex organic molecules for drug discovery
T +32 9 264 44 80
Pascal Van Der Voort
Advanced nanoporous hybrid materials for green processes, water purification and urban mining
T +32 9 264 44 42
Isabel Van Driessche
Controlled synthesis and surface chemistry of metal oxide nanoparticles, coating development
T +32 9 264 44 33
An Verberckmoes
Catalytic biomass conversion reactions, development and upscaling of catalysts and adsorbent materials
T +32 9 243 25 22
Johan Winne
Development of synthetic tools and organic building blocks for research in biomedical and materials sciences
T +32 9 264 44 61
Marjan De Mey (Steering Committee)
Optimisation of microbial cell factories through metabolic engineering and synthetic biology
T +32 9 264 60 28
Ramon Ganigué
Biotechnologies for waste valorization; gas & liquid fermentations
T +32 9 264 59 73
Korneel Rabaey
Resource recovery, CO2 conversion, electrochemical engineering, fermentation, water treatment
T +32 9 264 59 76
Wim Soetaert (Steering Committee)
Industrial biotechnology and biocatalysis, fermentation science and engineering
T +32 9 264 60 83