GREEN-CHEM partner in EU project on two pilots for a sustainable chemo-enzymatic production of chemicals


In a new EU project, the GREEN-CHEM network joins a collaboration to incite a transition to a more green and sustainable chemistry.

Ghent University and Oleon researchers from the GREEN-CHEM network join forces with VITO and various other partners from Italy, Germany and France in the newly approved H2020 project INCITE (Innovative Chemo-enzymatic Integrated Processes). This project aims to incite a transition to a greener and more sustainable chemistry by taking novel integrated upstream and downstream processing paths involving flow chemistry and membrane technology in two chemo-enzymatic processes to an industrial level. The modularity and flexibility of the developed chemo-enzymatic processes will be showcased through two demonstration cases in real industrial settings, one in Belgium and one in Italy. The chemo-enzymatic processes that will be demonstrated in INCITE will lead to a more targeted production at lower temperatures and fewer and less hazardous effluents than in currently used techniques.

You can read the full article here.


GREEN-CHEM is a global green chemistry network that brings together experts from all over the world. GREEN-CHEM partners believe the future of chemistry is GREEN. By using more sustainable, renewable and biodegradeble materials, GREEN-CHEM partners can create better and safer chemical products with less waste and design more efficient and sustainable processes to synthesize them.


Nathan De Geyter
T +32 9 264 60 16