

GREEN-CHEM partner in EU project on two pilots for a sustainable chemo-enzymatic production of chemicals

In a new EU project, the GREEN-CHEM network joins a collaboration to incite a transition to a more green and sustainable chemistry.


Kick-off of the PSYCHE project

PSYCHE: Gasification of plastic waste followed by Fischer-Tropsch synthesis


Kick-off of the WATCH project

WATCH: Cooperation on the chemical recycling of plastic waste

On September 9th 2019, the WATCH project was kicked-off. This 4-year SBO project (Strategic Basic Research) is funded by VLAIO and supported by Catalisti, the Flemish spearhead cluster for chemistry and plastics. The project is a collaboration between UGent (project coordinator), KULeuven and VITO. The industrial advisory board consists of AVGI, Borealis, Dow, GOVI, Indaver, INEOS, OVAM ,Pervatech Ravago, Recticel, Total, Unilin, Covestro and Catalisti.

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